




Antonio Guillén

Short key CV:

Director of biological research and coordinator of the Biotechnology and Astrobiology programs at Astroland Interplanetary Agency for the analysis and study of biodiversity, where he is responsible for the ARES BIODEVERSITY research program (focused on the development and evaluation of protocols for the search of life on Mars and for the implementation of efficient CO2 removal systems based on cyanobacterial action. 

His research experience also covers waste management for reusing and conversion into bioplastics, synthesis of complex carbohydrates and proteins for food use, and R&D of antimicrobial products produced by cyanobacteria in collaboration with ICREA, (Institute of Evolutionary Biology of Barcelona) CSIC; Protest Research Group of the Royal Botanic Garden of Madrid, CSIC; Department of Analytical Chemistry of the Complutense University of Madrid and the Institute of Biomedicine and Biotechnology of Cantabria (IBBTEC), CSIC / University of Cantabria.

Astroland Interplanetary Agency.Missions.pdf.



